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Knuckles mountain of Sri Lanka
Knuckles mountain of Sri Lanka
Nakals (Knuckles) Mountains is at Dumbara place of Kandy district. Nakals Mountains meet in Mahiyangana to Kady road at Hunnasgiriya place. Hunnasgiriya and Dumbara mountains are related area and the mountain is very famous to visit. A Knuckle Mountain is seems as closed human hand. This mountain range is covered Kandy to Matale district. Riverstan Mountain which is very beautiful area of Sri Lanka also part of the Knuckles. Several mountains are get together final out put is called Knuckles. Several Hiking tours are available in this area.
This area is very much rural in Sri Lanka. Historical and bio diversity value of this area is very high. Several endemic fauna and flora types can be identified in this area. Almost time mist covered the whole mountain. Temperature of the mountain is very low. High speed wing flows available in top of the mountain. Therefore personal protection is very important. Rainfall is lies between 3000 – 5000ml. Hulu Ganga, Heen Ganga and Kulu Ganga rivers are started from this mountain. Highest peaks in this area are Gombaniya Mountain and Knuckles Mountain. Both of them are high about 6200Ft from sea level.
The special village can be founded closed to this area. It is Memure village. It is very much rural village and number of years history contains with this village.