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GCE A\L results 2013

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The Message of the Hon. Minister of Education
The Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka can be introduced as a leading institution among public institutions in Sri Lanka which renders a fullest and confidential service for the well-being of the general public. We appreciate the effort to make these services closer to the public further, through the official web site which has been implemented by the Department of Examinations. The right of the general public to be aware of various information under the principle of e-governance of the government is further asserted by this procedure. The Department of Examinations fulfills its responsibility in holding examinations annually such as G.C.E. Advanced Level , Ordinary Level, Grade Five Scholarship Examination, General Information Technology ,Colleges of Teachers Training and Colleges of Education Examinations, and a number of public sector, semi government sector, private sector and foreign examinations preserving the reliability and validity in a maximum level with a huge responsibility, and in accordance with the international standards and as second to none of the countries in the world.

At present, due to the impact of these examinations in deciding the destiny of a large number of human beings in this country, it should be performed protecting its confidentiality in an excellent level according to the various rules and regulations of the Parliamentary Act of No 25 of 1968 for the establishment of the Department of Examinations. The Department of Examinations has to follow a highly complicated process for this. The general public lacks the understanding about this process. Therefore it should be the responsibility of the general public to get the benefits through the web site which has been started with a view to provide information to the general public, protecting the transparency regarding variety of procedures which are followed by the Department of Examinations.

Obtaining a certificate alone is not the proper education and it is not considered today, the providing of answers to an examination question paper based on memory and knowledge as a proper valuation. My expectation is to lead the future younger generation towards a knowledge centered society by valuing the various talents, performances, skills, potentials, abilities, potential energies of children through schools and developing them and thereby it should generate a virtuous society by creating true human partners of the future world of work. Thus, the school system of Sri Lanka should be prepared to implement a new evaluation and assessment milieu in creating more beneficial people to the future world. On behalf of that, the Department of Examinations should render a great service. They should be blessed with strength for it.

Hon. Bandula Gunawardhana (M.P)
Minister of Education

About the Author

Posted by gossip lanka live on 11:00 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By gossip lanka live on 11:00 AM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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