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Posted by gossip lanka live

samudra hikkaduwa - The hotel belonging to a Tele actress is a brothel:

Yesterday the Crime Protection Unit of Walana,Panadura has raided a hotel in the Moratuwa area, where it had revealed that it was a brothel having done business in the pretext of a hotel. The Police had found two prostitutes and a Manager who is supposed to be a retired Police Sergeant. There had been a small child of 1 ½ years old who had been playing with retired Police Sergeant.
The Police had deployed a man to wear a female dress and to talk to the Manager in disguise. The information had been obtained from the Manager who had told the charges are Rs 8000/-( Rupees eight thousand only) per hour. The owner who had been one Samudra Hikkaduwa who had been the second runner up in the Miss Sri Lanka contest in the year 1996.Since then she had portrayed roles in Tele dramas and a number of other films.
The Police had questioned the owner and had arrested the Manager and the two prostitutes.

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Posted by gossip lanka live on 6:50 AM. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Feel free to leave a response

By gossip lanka live on 6:50 AM. Filed under . Follow any responses to the RSS 2.0. Leave a response

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